Event sponsored by:
Duke Materials Initiative
Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science (MEMS)
Chem Admin Office
Lu Wei, Cal Tech
The Department of Chemistry is excited to host Lu Wei (Cal Tech). To learn more about the Wei lab's work, please visit their research page:https://www.weilab.caltech.edu/
Functional Bond-Selective Microscopy for Subcellular Biology: From Quantitative Imaging and Sensing to Single-Molecule Analysis
Advances in optical spectroscopy and microscopy have revolutionized our understanding in live biological functions at the sub-cellular levels. In this seminar, I will present our recent efforts in developing and applying next-generation bond-selective spectro-microscopy for retrieving functional chemical information in live cells and neurons. I will first discuss the coupling of the stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) imaging, a nonlinear Raman imaging modality, with newly developed biorthogonal chemical strategies for quantitative subcellular analysis of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases and for intracellular local environmental sensing through alkyne- hydrogen-deuterium exchange (Alkyne-HDX). I will then present a new mid-infrared near-infrared double-resonance imaging technique, BonFIRE, for bond-selective fluorescence imaging with single-molecule sensitivity. This microscopy platform should allow new capabilities for wide-field super-multiplex imaging and vibrational life-time imaging for sensing heterogeneous cellular interactions and environment.
Hosted by Kevin Welsher
Chemistry Seminar Series