Gus Lowry Receives the Dean's Award for Research Excellence
The student awardees were selected for their publication record, influence on the research direction of their laboratory, and noteworthy and distinctive contributions to the scientific and academic community.
Discovery Suggests New Possibilities for Treating Nicotine Addiction
A study led by Huanghe Yang, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry, has identified a previously unknown “emergency brake” that neurons in a particular area of the brain use to protect themselves from becoming overly active when exposed to nicotine.
Explainer: Why Universities Need Support for Research Facilities and Administrative Costs
The National Institutes of Health's proposal to cap reimbursement of facilities and administrative (F&A) costs on research grants at 15% would significantly slow or cease scientific and biomedical research at Duke and other research institutions. Here is an explanation of what F&A costs are and why they are such a critical piece of the research endeavor.
Three Questions with: Kate Meyer
One of my favorite things about science is that there are always surprises, always things that we assume work one way or mean one thing, until we find that they don’t.
Gus Lowry Receives 2025 SoM Dean's Award for Research Excellence (DARE)
Congratulations to Gus Lowry, who has received the 2025 SoM Dean's Award for Research Excellence (DARE)!
Alumni Profiles Series: Matthew Walters
Alumni Profile Series: Matthew Walters
Written by Carly Williams, Ph.D. Candidate, Biochemistry
Mentor Spotlight : Michael Boyce
Boyce is trained in evidence-based mentoring curricula, and in addition to mentoring students, he facilitates mentor training for faculty though the Duke Office for Research Mentoring.
Seok-Yong Lee Develops Novel Pain Inhibitor
Seok-Yong Lee, in collaboration with colleagues in anesthesiology and chemistry, has developed an inhibitor that exhibits efficacy in many different pain models including neuropathic and inflammatory pain.
Congratulations to Team Mindara for their champion presentation on developing nasal spray psychiatric therapeutics in Structural Biochemistry II-2024
Congratulations to Team Mindara for their champion presentation on developing nasal spray psychiatric therapeutics in Structural Biochemistry II-2024