Chemistry Seminar Presented by Prof. Kelley Young "Galvin Scholars Program: A Model for STEM Retention and Success"

October 20, 2023
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm

Event sponsored by:



Chem Admin Office


Kelley Young


Kelley Young, Notre Dame
The Department of Chemistry is excited to host Kelley Young (Notre Dame) To learn more about Professor Young, please visit: Galvin Scholars Program: A Model for STEM Retention and Success The University of Notre Dame is a private university with nearly 9,000 undergraduates, and an entering first year class of approximately 2,000 students, half of which intend to complete a STEM major. These majors require first year chemistry, math and physics courses taken in the College of Science. Prior to 2018, attrition from the College of Science during the first year was nearly 1 in 3 students. The factors most strongly correlated with retention were SAT math scores and the number of AP STEM courses a student had seen in high school. Other statistically-significant factors contributing to attrition are low socioeconomic status (or Pell eligibility), First Generation status, and membership in an underrepresented minority group. To combat the disproportionate number of students from underserved groups leaving STEM, Notre Dame created the Mary E. Galvin Science and Engineering Scholars Program, aimed at increasing retention in STEM by providing support to students from weaker high school backgrounds. Students are invited to apply to the program, which provides intensive small class sizes for introductory STEM courses, additional problem solving courses, community building, peer-mentoring, and academic and professional support. Since its inception in 2018, the program has supported over 410 students, including the current first year cohort of 80 students. Retention rates for students in the Galvin Scholars program are higher than for their peers, and recent institutional data has shown that Galvin Scholars outperform their peers with similar academic preparation levels in all STEM courses where support is provided. This seminar will discuss development and implementation of the Galvin Scholars program as well as the execution and function of the academic year and support provided to the students as a model for retention in STEM for underserved students. Hosted by Jim Parise