Prof. Yogendra Kumar Mishra
"Tetrapods based Smart Materials for Advanced Technologies"
Zoom Link for Seminar: https://duke.zoom.us/j/96068868836
Considering the size dependent utilization complexities of nanoscopic dimensions towards real applications, the focus of nanomaterials community is merging to three-dimensional (3D) form of materials which are built out interconnected nanostructures. This talk will briefly introduce the importance of complex shaped nanostructures towards smart 3D nanomaterials structuring. A simple flame based single step approach was developed for synthesizing zinc oxide tetrapods which demonstrated many applications in different technologies. These tetrapods have been used as building blocks to construct highly porous interconnected 3D nanonetworks in form of flexible ceramics which offer further new application avenues. Additionally, these 3D networks have been utilized as sacrificial templates to develop hollow tetrapodal 3D networks from almost any desired material, carbons, nitrides, oxides, polymers, hydrogels, etc. The sacrificial template-based strategy offers new and unique opportunities in the direction of 3D nanomaterials engineering and accordingly advanced technological applications. Some examples of 3D nanomaterials engineering will be demonstrated alongwith their applications [1-10]. The scopes of 3D nanostructuring based smart materials in sensing, electronics, optoelectronics, energy, and biomedical engineering will be briefly highlighted in the talk.
To learn more about Prof. Mishra and his research, please visit: https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/c_nanosyd/forskningsomrader/smart-mater….
Chemistry Seminar Series