Regis Komperda- San Diego State University
NC SER Symposium
Charlie Cox will be hosting Regis Komperda (San Diego State University) for a seminar.
Measurement in chemistry education: Examining the past and supporting the future
As with any field of scientific research, the ability to draw meaningful conclusions in chemistry education research (CER) is dependent on the use of appropriate research methods, including the selection of measurement instruments (e.g., tests, surveys, concept inventories, etc.) that will generate high quality data about students and classrooms. This talk will discuss how CER has approached the concept of measurement quality (i.e., validity and reliability) and why the adoption of data quality standards is important for the development, evaluation, and dissemination of instruments.
Current research on measurement quality in CER will be presented to show the practical application of these standards for measuring student attitudes and motivation in introductory chemistry courses. An NSF-supported resource for finding chemistry education instruments and their associated data quality evidence, the CHemistry Instrument Review and Assessment Library (CHIRAL; chiral.chemedx.org), will be highlighted to support educators and researchers in finding instruments suitable for both classroom and research contexts.
The Chemistry Instrument Review and Assessment Library (CHIRAL) contains a catalog of over 500 assessment instruments that is searchable by domain, topic, or format. Each listing in CHIRAL includes metadata (intended population, language, number of items, etc.) and reported evidence for validity and reliability. Select instruments include a panel review report providing a synthesis of the reported validity and reliability evidence. CHIRAL also contains a glossary of common terms used in psychometric evaluations to help understand the information in CHIRAL.
To learn more about the Komperda Goroup's work, please visit their page at https://komperda-cer.sdsu.edu/