For Duke Undergrads
Certificates in Biology and Chemistry
Although Duke does not offer an undergraduate major in Biochemistry, students can earn a Certificate in Biochemistry through either the Biology or Chemistry departments. The inclusion of additional analytical background in chemistry and biochemistry is valuable preparation for students planning graduate studies in biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as professional studies in the health sciences. Interested undergraduates are encouraged to contact faculty within the Department of Biochemistry regarding research projects in their labs. Students fulfilling the Concentration in Biochemistry requirements will receive a note on their official transcript certifying successful completion of the requirements.
Read more about the requirement for a BS in Biology with a Concentration in Biochemistry
Read more about the requirements for a BS in Chemistry with a Concentration in Biochemistry
Dr. Brian Coggins teaches the undergraduate course, Biochem 301. Read how his students leverage small study groups led by undergraduates who previously took his course.
Summer Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Fellowships
Motivated Duke undergraduate students can get hands-on, graduate-level biomedical research experience through a summer Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Fellowship.
Research Fellowship Fast Facts
- You can receive a full-time, paid research position in a Biochemistry Department laboratory for up to 8 weeks.
- You will be compensated $500/week x 8 weeks (exact dates and fellowship length can be negotiated with your Faculty mentor.) Students may not hold concurrent funding from another source unless approved by Biochemistry DUS.
- You must find a Biochemistry Department faculty mentor (students with ongoing research projects in a biochemistry lab do qualify.)
Who Can Apply
All interested students should apply. Preference will be given to students who have completed BCH301, those who have taken or are currently enrolled in BCH302 or other advanced BCH courses, and those with a Biochem concentration.
How to Apply
Your Application document must include:
- Your Major/Minor/Concentration, and your unofficial transcript
- A statement (1-2 paragraphs) of research goals
- A statement (1-2 paragraphs) of how this experience will impact your future goals
Identify the Biochemistry Dept primary faculty member that you have spoken to about doing summer research, or in whose lab you are currently working.
Email your application to Meta Kuehn. The deadline to submit an application is March 25, 2024 and decisions will be made in early April.
Questions? Email Meta Kuehn
Undergraduate Research Funding
Undergraduates can receive research funding from various sources including the Undergraduate Research Support Office.
For Duke and Non-Duke Undergrads
Duke Summer Research Opportunity Program
The Biochemistry Department is dedicated to improving diversity and inclusion in the biomedical sciences. Through Duke University Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), motivated undergraduates engage in a 10-week training program that offers hands-on experience in graduate-level biomedical research. The Duke SROP is geared toward minority students who are seriously considering joining a PhD program. Students from inside or outside Duke can apply to Duke SROP.
See where SROP alumni have gone on to graduate school and hear what students have to say about the program.
Duke STEM Summer Research Opportunity
Learn about other undergraduate summer research opportunities across STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) disciplines at Duke University. Underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.