The Duke University School of Medicine Office of Biomedical and Graduate Education (OBGE) and Precision Genomics Collaboratory pilot grant supports students' efforts in genomics and clinical/translational studies, such as biomarker discovery. Carly's current research studies overcoming cancer drug resistance through inhibiting a DNA damage tolerance pathway called Translesion DNA Synthesis (TLS). Through this grant, Carly will work to create CRISPR KO cancer cell lines to discover biomarkers that can help shed light on how TLS plays a role in drug resistance in cancer cells.
Carly is a current fourth-year Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Pei Zhou's lab. She was born in Maryland and graduated from UMBC in 2017. She came to Duke because of her fascination with structure-function relationships, but quickly learned that she loved the fast-paced DNA repair/cancer field and all of the endless pathway discoveries that come with it.